I planted my first garden (well, first without my mother and her green thumb's help) this spring. I was worried when I had to leave it for two weeks and I did have a few casualties: sage, basil, chives, cilantro... we barely knew ye. However, my morning glories and moonflowers thrived in my absence and had even reached the top of the trellis when we returned!
Recently, when I took the puppy on her morning romp in the backyard I found the most wonderful surprise: the first morning glory blossom! More have followed and, although I missed a few while out of town for a very good friend's wedding, I can see from the buds that I will be enjoying these for some time to come.
Inspired by their beauty, I created an Etsy treasury of items:

Click on the image to get inspired to grow some morning glories of your own or add a little of their gorgeous color to your life!
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