When I found out last week that our little community was directly in the path of hurricane Irene, one of my first thoughts was, "But the morning glories have just started to come into their own! How could I ever protect their delicate vines from this storm?" A Google search revealed, of course, that there really is no way to protect a garden from a hurricane. You just put away anything not nailed down and hope for the best. So I took some pictures just before we left and hoped that I could enjoy a few more blossoms this year, however tattered they may be.
Obviously, we were relieved to hear that the storm had weakened and that our home would likely survive just fine while we were away. We finally returned and no one was happier to be home than Pepper. However, I was thrilled to discover that, although we had a few lost branches and some damage to our fence, my morning glories looked better than ever.
You wouldn't know it from their reputation, but these little plants are really vigorous. As I said before, they survived our wedding/honeymoon absence during a heatwave but they have really grown beyond my expectations. The seed packet said 4-5 feet, so I was hoping the moonflower's 7-9 foot vines would reach the top of the shed to keep it from looking sparse. However, these morning glories grow straight up the shed and if the roof had more nooks and crannies I think they would grow right up and over the other side.

Whenever I feel like my to-do list is a mile long and I can't possibly accomplish everything I need to, I remember my little morning glories and count how many buds will burst open with big, beautiful flowers to greet me tomorrow. It's just one little thing to look forward to every day and I'm so thankful they survived the storm. No sign of moonflower blooms just yet, but I will patiently wait.
What little things bring you joy each day?
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